Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Trip to Italy

I am busy getting ready to go to Italy , Paestum, for the first time. Very excited, even the long drive doesn't sound too bad. We are staying close to the beach and to the Ruins. I am so focused in fact that I am finding it hard to study my Slovak :-) More when we return.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

At what age

At what age to you stop being called "oh your so young"? I mean at 37 and having lived in Three countries besides the US you would think that I wouldn't "the young one". I have been the "
young one" now for 16 years! Is 40 the magic age.

Alway when did it become a sin to have kids before 30. I get that all the time. "Oh you had kids so young" Well I was 26 and 29 when I had my kids. I had been married for 4 years when the first one was born. Why is that considered young? Anyone??
Ok enough rant for today.